Giraffes tongues

Did you know that giraffes have extremely long and blue tongues? Giraffe tongues can measure up to 45 centimeters in length and are dark blue in color. This unique feature comes in handy for reaching leaves and buds at the top of trees, their main source of food. Additionally, giraffe tongues are prehensile and can wrap around branches to easily pluck leaves. It’s a fascinating adaptation that helps them thrive in their environment!

At the San Diego Zoo in California, USA, there was an instance where the caregivers noticed that a giraffe named Miles had an injury on his tongue. The injury caused Miles’ tongue to swell, making it difficult for him to eat normally.

The caregivers faced a unique challenge: how to treat a giraffe’s tongue injury? Due to the length and sensitivity of the tongue, direct treatment wasn’t feasible. So, they came up with an innovative idea.

They created a giant, soft “pacifier” made of fabric and rubber, mimicking the texture of the leaves giraffes eat. This “pacifier” allowed Miles to feed more comfortably while his tongue healed. Caregivers would insert the pacifier into Miles’ mouth, and he could chew and taste the soft fabric while his tongue recovered.